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Spherical Visons Logo
Spherical Panoramas allow the viewer to look in any direction, as if one were standing in the center of a sphere.
The Spherical Panorama does away with the photographer's single framed point of view.
You are free to explore every angle and to inspect any detail of the image by zooming in and around the total sphere.
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The equipment used for photography is described here.
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Glastonbury - High Street

Glastonbury - High Street The Garden of the Libary of Avalon, the Stone Age shop ans some Blue Loos !

Glastonbury Market Cross

Glastonbury Market Cross In the middle of the town is the Market Cross.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey St. Patrick's Chapel is in the middle of restoration.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey The Abbots Kitchen.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey The Refrectory.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey The Refrectory and Monks kitchens.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey The Choir looking to King Edgar's Chapel

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey The tomb of King Arthur and Guinevere (allegedly).

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey Inside the Galiliee.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey The Galilee from the Cloisters

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey Inside Lady Chapel.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey This path leads thru and into Lady Chapel.

Vicars' Close North

Vicars' Close North A view down the Close looks shorter than from the South end as the street was designed with a reduction in width (3 m) to increase the perspective!

Vicars' Close

Vicars' Close Vicars ' Close is claimed to be the oldest residential street surviving in Europe.

Wells Market Place

Wells Market Place The Market Place and entrance to the Cathedral.

The City of Wells

The City of Wells A view around the center of the City.

Wells Cathedral Green

Wells Cathedral Green The Western front of the Cathedral (bad exposure levels).

Wells Cathedral and Vicars Close

Wells Cathedral and Vicars Close The Northern aspect of the cathedral and the Southern entrance to Vicars Close

Wells Cathedral

Wells Cathedral The Chapter House (Photographic permit 47588).

Wells Cathedral

Wells Cathedral Inside the Cathedral (Photographic permit 47588).

Wells Cathedral Cloisters

Wells Cathedral Cloisters The Cathedral's cloisters (Photographic permit 47588).

Deer leap

Deer leap A high res version taken a few minutes later.

Deer Leap

Deer Leap The mist rising in the levels, with Glastonbury Tor showing above the cloud.
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Professional Panoramic Photographer
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